
I am a naturopath and medical herbalist who encourages individuals to get curious about themselves and their health. You know your body better than anyone so I act as your guide, using natural medicine to help lead you home to what ‘healthy’ looks like for you.

It is much more important to know what sort of person has a disease, than to know what sort of disease a person has.”

— Sir William Osler

Meet Anna.

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My name is Anna, and like many others in natural medicine, I found naturopathy through my own health struggles with eczema, low energy, anxiety, burnout and gut troubles. Following years of seeing different GPs and specialists, I found naturopathy and saw first-hand what simple changes to diet and lifestyle can do. Since studying naturopathy, I have also discovered the magic of herbal medicine. Herbs have so many beautiful and potent substances that have a medicinal effect on the body. While they can provide symptomatic relief, they also help to restore balance. For example, one of my favourite herbs, Schisandra, helps to reduce inflammation while also supporting the liver’s natural detoxification processes and increases the body’s resilience to stress, making it a little easier to deal with modern day stressors. 



Anna holds a Bachelor of Natural Medicine and a Diploma in Naturopathy. She is also registered with Naturopaths and Medical Herbalists of New Zealand (NMHNZ).


“I have been seeing Anna for the past 7 months during my first pregnancy. She has not only educated me on my health but helped me to feel as prepared as possible throughout my pregnancy by using incredible supplements and giving me helpful tools to use in everyday life. I've found her extremely professional, thorough and very easy to talk to regarding my physical and mental health. I would highly recommend Anna Reeves as a Naturopath, she is extremely knowledgeable, supportive and I always look forward to our sessions.”

“I can’t recommend Anna enough, as Naturopathy takes a holistic approach rather than separate symptoms or issues you need to disclose a lot of information which can be hard to do with a stranger. I found Anna very easy to deal with, she placed no judgement on anything I told her and listened with empathy. Anna helped get my hormones back in balance, they have not been working as they should for a number of years! I noticed such a big change that I suggested my teenage son start seeing her also. I will continue to see her now that she has finished her studies as there is still a fair bit I need to do in terms of my gut health but we will get there.”

“I have been working with Anna over the past 6 years from pregnancy to post-natal, anxiety and general well being. Anna has always been well informed and looks beyond the obvious symptoms to discover what is really going on. She also worked with my daughter when she was only a few months old and was the first to identify a dairy allergy which we were then able to help by working on her gut health while maintaining breast feeding and easing into first foods.”